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Our strategy: Society

Our society and our world benefit so much from physics. In the modern world, we need its innovative potential more than ever. And because the challenges facing society affect us all, we must all have a voice in the solutions, whoever we are and wherever we come from. 

We must all see the human impact physics can have and have a say in the future we want science to create. We must all be welcomed, seen and heard in those debates. Working together, as a physics community and a society, we can change the world for the better - if we take action.

Our goal:

Increase understanding of the ways physics benefits all our lives by amplifying physicists’ voices in partnerships and conversations with wider society, and exploring the human stories of physics meeting the social challenges we face.

The IOP will:

Share the human story of physics

We will explore and showcase how the work of our members and other physicists is at the heart of the efforts to meet the challenges facing society through physics and its applications by engaging and communicating at scale with wide-ranging audiences. We will work with other disciplines to reflect society’s expectations of fairness, equity of access and ethical standards in science and technology. 

Promote research with social impact

Through IOP Publishing, promote the social impact of research from the international physics community, including outputs that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Increase our influence through partnerships

We will gather quantitative and qualitative evidence through our conversations and partnerships to influence national and international policies, ethics, regulations and practices for the benefit of society and the economy.

Promote the global benefits of physics for all

Through our international networks in science and wider society, build understanding of the impact physics has on the lives of diverse communities and the importance of 
international collaboration.

Our future must be shaped by society

We will maximise physics’ potential for every part of society.

Download the full strategy document (PDF, 4.2MB)

Learn more about our three priorities