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Our strategy: Science

Physics science explains the very fabric of our world. But it also holds the keys to our future. Innovations powered by physics could help us tackle climate change, diagnose new diseases, build satellites to cope with extreme weather, and more. 

But we are not investing enough in this potential. We are missing the chance to harness new technologies and be ready for the new industrial revolution. 

Our physics departments, our physicists, our companies, our industry need R&D funding, physics skills and international collaboration. Without them, our economies are weaker and our position as leading lights of scientific endeavour is under threat. We can turn the tide - if we take action.

Our goal:

Strengthen physics across science, research, innovation and technology to enhance our understanding of the world and help current and future generations to live more prosperously and sustainably.

The IOP will:

Champion diversity in research and innovation

We will champion the benefits of research and innovation communities that are open and welcoming to people from all backgrounds, identify and tackle the challenges faced by underrepresented groups, promote inclusive cultures, and demonstrate how to build and sustain them.

Advocate for and support physics innovation and R&D

We will advocate for physics research and business innovation, and for greater levels of public and private investment in research, innovation, translation and infrastructure. We will identify and act on priority areas where we can stimulate tangible change on behalf our members and the physics community – from national technology strategies to new physics-powered industries. And through initiatives like our accelerator space we will provide direct support to growth in physics-powered businesses. 

Celebrate physics and physicists

We will showcase outstanding physics and physics breakthroughs, celebrate the achievements of physicists including those of IOP members through our awards programme, and highlight the vital role physicists and physics powered businesses play in the emerging technologies that will help us address the challenges our world faces.

Offer world-class physics research, open to all

Through IOP Publishing, we will increase access to published research and showcase trusted, quality physical sciences research to a global audience through open-first publishing, progressing the discipline of physics and its applications and driving impact, recognition and value for the UK and Irish scientific community.

Build international collaboration

We will seek to unlock funding opportunities that offer mutual benefit to international partners (as we have between African and UK researchers and the UK and Canada, in the past), promote the UK and Ireland as physics partners of choice and foster strong international relationships to support collaboration, dialogue, access to facilities and the exchange of people and ideas.

Our future needs science

We will promote and unleash physics science.

Download the full strategy document (PDF, 4.2MB)

Learn more about our three priorities