Limit Less for social media creators
When the hard work of honest physics communicators is buried, but disinformation is pushed to young people and their parents, surely it’s time for a change?
Help tomorrow’s physics students find the genuine information they need through social media.
We want the physics content that young people access online to reflect the positive benefits of doing physics – to both the individual and society – and to show that physicists come in all shapes and sizes.
We know that when young people look to find information, they turn to those they trust. This can include their families and teachers but can also include people they follow on social media.
According to Ofcom, in 2022 more than six in 10 children aged 3-17 in the UK have their own profile on at least one social media app. Ofcom also reported (PDF, 5.98MB) that one in three of the children interviewed aged 10-17 said they trusted social media influencers – a higher proportion than those who trusted other sources such as newspapers (28%).
By creating content that reinforces the positive benefits of doing physics and counters the negative image of physics, social media creators and physicists who utilise the platforms to share content are in a powerful position to help build a thriving and diverse physics community.
You can be part of the change by creating and sharing content that shows that:
- Doing physics empowers young people to change the world
- Physics is for people of all identities and backgrounds
- Physics depends on teamwork and diverse viewpoints
- Being a physicist isn’t the only career available to physics students
- Physics opens the door to many stable career options, including well-paid jobs that do not require a degree
These resources are to help you and you can always see what’s happening with the campaign on Twitter with #IOPLimitLess.