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Limit Less for journalists

When out-of-date stereotypes and misconceptions are the only depictions of physics and physicists we see and read about in our media, it affects the perceptions young people have of them.

Unfortunately, young people continue to be put off studying a subject they could enjoy and have a career in because people they listen to, including journalists, give them a limited idea about what physicists look and act like

Together, we have the power to change that.

Logo reads: Limit Less with person

We are working to improve the media’s representation of physics and physicists, in both imagery and language use.

Often, the portrayal of physics and physicists in the media reinforces the stereotypes and misconceived ideas that turn young people away from choosing to do physics. This is why it's important for all media to accurately portray physics and physicists and describe the contribution they make to our everyday lives.

Journalists can help young people and their families to see physics as open to all.

The five key messages we want everyone to be sharing are:

  1. Doing physics empowers young people to change the world
  2. Physics is for people of all identities and backgrounds
  3. Physics improves with teamwork and diverse viewpoints
  4. Being a physicist isn’t the only career available to physics students
  5. Physics opens the door to many stable career options, including well-paid jobs that do not require a degree

Limit Less: media guide

As journalists you can help form a positive image of physics in the media, encourage more young people to do the subject, and ultimately tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Find out more and download the guide

Limit Less in the news

Discover the wide range of media in which the campaign has been featured so far.

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Limit Less press releases

Check out our press releases on the campaign and see how Limit Less ties in with the wider work of the IOP.

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Image text reads Limit Less

How we can make change happen

To support young people to change the world, we need to limit less and support them more.

No young person should be made to feel locked out of physics. Help us ensure that there are no limits on who can take part.

Join the campaign now