Limit Less in families and communities
If the young people in our lives want to change the world, who are we to tell them no?
Doing physics lets young people explore how the world works – and how to change it. Give them the chance to build the future they want: learn more about physics today.
At key points in their lives, young people must make important decisions, such as the subjects they will study in school, or whether to undertake an apprenticeship.
To make these decisions, young people will talk with those whose opinions and advice they trust. This may be parents, carers, family members, friends and others such as youth leaders.
Young people are also exposed to lots of opinions and information in the community outside their home.
This means that parents, family members and friends have a crucial role in promoting a positive image of physics. To do this, they must have the correct information, and support to find it, so that they can provide quality advice and encouragement.
Young people should not be limited by stereotypes and other misconceived opinions, whether about themselves or school subjects. They must receive support from their families, friends and communities to make the important decisions that will allow them to shape their futures and their world.
What the IOP wants to see
- Parents, carers and other family members challenge the stereotypes and biases that limit their children’s opportunities and choices based on who they are.
- Everyone in families and communities, whom young people listen to and trust, shares correct information about physics when discussing subject and career choices with them.
- Community and youth leaders, charities and other voluntary organisations:
- ensure that the families and young people they work with receive correct information and encouragement to consider choosing physics as a subject or career opportunity.
- work with families from underrepresented groups to promote the idea that physics is for everyone.
- Companies encourage and support their employees, especially from underrepresented groups, who are doing physics-based jobs or with physics backgrounds to do outreach as part of their paid work.
- Organisations responsible for STEM outreach and promoting physics ensure that their activities are effective in reaching families from underrepresented groups.
- Local and national museums and science centres organise physics-themed activities that are fully inclusive and accessible to families from underrepresented groups.