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Support young people to change the world

Limit Less is our campaign to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics

Join the campaign now

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Young people are well aware of the unprecedented challenges that we face today and the impact these challenges will have on their future.

We should support their drive to change the world and improve their future, not limit or deny it.

Physics teaches young people to understand and solve complex problems. Not just on paper. Not just in theory. The kind of problems that exist everywhere in the world, waiting to be solved. There are no limits to what can be achieved with physics.

Unfortunately, some young people are put off by the misconceived ideas they are told about what physics is. Others are denied the opportunity to study physics due to the prejudice and stereotypes that they experience because of who they are. Many girls are told that physics is more suited to boys, and both girls and boys are told that physics is not for the likes of them based on their ethnicity, their sexual orientation, their disability and their social background.

As a result, too many young people are made to feel that they can’t do physics, or they just don’t fit in.

This is a problem because when young people are deterred from studying physics, they are missing out on the many benefits that studying physics brings.

Crucially, they are also being denied the opportunity to explore how their world works and contribute to shaping their future as informed citizens.

This campaign is not directly aimed at young people themselves. Instead, it is aimed at those whom younger people trust and listen to, and who help shape their opinions and decisions.

The report

Image text reads support young people to change the world

Download the report

The IOP commissioned Censuswide to conduct two surveys and a series of focus groups to inform our campaign. We also asked our members and subscribers to our Qubit newsletter to provide their own stories of lived experience related to the stereotypes and barriers that our campaign aims to dismantle.

Download and read the report (PDF, 2.83MB)

Bin the Boffin and media guide 

Bin the Boffin

Help us to challenge clichéd media stereotypes of scientists and encourage more young people from all backgrounds to change the world through physics.

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Limit Less: media guide

As journalists you can help form a positive image of physics in the media, encourage more young people to do the subject, and ultimately tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Find out more and download the guide

Careers resources

Text in image reads change the world jobs that make a difference

Limit Less careers resources

As part of our Limit Less campaign, we’ve created a suite of downloadable resources to help teachers, IOP members and volunteers inspire more young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics.

Explore the resources


Limit Less stories

Your powerful, moving and inspirational tales of adversity when studying physics.

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The spaces where we are working

We are campaigning in the “spaces” where young people are exposed to different influences – in their homes and communities, in their schools, in the media and on social media. We are also asking politicians and businesses to push for change to ultimately make physics more attractive to these young people.

Limit Less in families and communities

If the young people in our lives want to change the world, who are we to tell them no?

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Limit Less for educators

We are campaigning to ensure educators are supported and equipped to give every young person the opportunities they deserve.

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Limit Less for political audiences

To support the young physicists of tomorrow from every background, politicians need to make systemic changes.

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Limit Less for employers

Inspire the next generation. Secure the future of your industry. Energise and engage your employees.

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Limit Less: social media creators

Help tomorrow’s physics students find the genuine information they need through social media.

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Limit Less for journalists

When simplistic stereotypes are the only physicists we see in our media, it hurts young people. Together, we have the power to change that.

Find out more

The Eurekas competition 

The Eurekas: a Limit Less challenge

Our annual physics competition for students aged 11-16 in the United Kingdom and Ireland, to showcase the value of physics and to inspire students to see the subject differently.

Read more and find out about past winners

Join us now 

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How we can make change happen

To support young people to change the world, we need to limit less and support them more.

No young person should be made to feel locked out of physics. Help us ensure that there are no limits on who can take part.

Join the campaign now

Watch our Limit Less film

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Watch the audio-described version of our film