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Contact the Challenge Fund team

Please get in touch with the IOP's Challenge Fund team.

If your query has not been answered on these pages or in the FAQs, please contact the Challenge Fund team by email at [email protected].

The team aim to respond within three working days. Complex queries may take longer. 

Please note that they will provide general advice on the Fund but are unable to answer specific questions about your proposal while the calls are open. 

If you have feedback for the Challenge Fund pages, the application process or anything relating to the Challenge Fund information you have read here, please submit the feedback form.

If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please include your contact details.

The Institute of Physics will only use your details to contact you about your feedback. 

Your privacy: We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting the personal information you share with us. For more details about how we handle your personal information, please see our Privacy Notice.

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