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Policy and funding

Physics: investing in our future – powering the new industrial era

Our research and development (R&D) blueprints will ensure the UK and Ireland secure leading roles in developing key scientific technologies, and through this harvest the substantial societal and economic benefits such leadership offers.

View the initial findings of the UK blueprint now

The IOP’s ambition is to transform the physics landscape for the UK and Ireland, and ensure a thriving physics ecosystem that will further innovation, discovery, research, growth and debate in the UK, Ireland and beyond.

Our research and development (R&D) blueprints will set out how the supporting pillars of the R&D system can be strengthened, and the conditions and policy environment for R&D improved, so that the UK and Ireland are able to realise the full societal and economic benefits of the new industrial era.

We will recommend specific actions which can be taken by policymakers and funders to enable more, and more impactful, physics R&D to take place in the coming years.

Development process

We have already generated a suite of evidence and fresh insights about the impacts of physics on the economies of the UK and Ireland, what is driving R&D and the demand for physics skills and knowledge, and what is holding back increases in R&D investment. 

This includes evidence on:

In 2022, we will be generating further insights into foreign direct investment in R&D, as well as conducting reviews of facilities and innovation centres.

Share your views

Find out how you can contribute to the consultation in Ireland.

The UK consultation has now closed, but if you would like to be kept updated on opportunities to contribute as the blueprint develops, please contact [email protected].


The consultation period in Ireland began on 15 September 2022, with a first output forthcoming.

Following community consultation between April and July 2022, we have published an initial version of the UK blueprint (autumn 2022). This focuses on the highest priority actions identified in consultation with the community.

However, we intend to expand and update the blueprints regularly in the coming years, to monitor progress and reflect changes in the external landscape.

Watch the video below about the R&D blueprint in Ireland.

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