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IOP asks for government

Physics can unleash Britain’s potential

Physics-based businesses drive 11% of our GDP

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Physics skills and knowledge power nearly 2m jobs

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Physics equips young people to understand and change their world

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But Britain risks slipping behind if we don’t act now to secure the future of physics.

1. R&D investment is not keeping pace with global frontrunners

2. We face a desperate skills gap in physics-powered industries

3. Our struggling education system denies millions of children a future in physics

So we’re calling on the new government to:

1 Radically increase R&D investment...

to match or exceed the top OECD countries and boost economic growth, productivity and job creation across all parts of the UK.

Find out more about R&D investment

2 Equip more people with the technical skills...

that a 21st-century economy demands, unlocking social mobility and driving growth.

Find out more about technical skills

3 Tackle the barriers in the education system...

that prevent too many young people from enjoying the opportunities that arise from pursuing physics.

Find out more about barriers in the education system

Download our asks leaflet

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