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The IOP Policy Centre provides an active and authoritative voice for physics. We work in all areas that affect physics, from schools education through to research and innovation and supply timely, evidence-based scientific advice and in-depth analyses to governments and other agencies.

The IOP's membership is a unique source of expertise, which informs all of our policy activities and all policy statements and positions are agreed by the Council of the IOP.

IOP asks for government

Find out what we're calling for from the new government and help us spread the word.

Read more about our asks for government

Policy statements and consultation responses

The IOP aims to respond quickly and effectively to consultations and to supply evidence-based advice and in-depth analysis of physics policy to governments and other agencies.

View statements and consultation responses

IOP nations policies

IOP publications

Our publications highlight exciting new areas of research in physics and show how physics is integral to science and society.