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IOP university student community workshops and webinars archive

Check out a sample of recordings from our Physicist’s Toolkit series of webinars and workshops on different themes, from wellbeing and resilience to employability, coding, machine learning and more.


IOP and SEPnet Joint Online Career Panel for Women in Physics – Panellist Introductions

20 January 2022

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LaTeX and Vim for Scientific Reports: Introduction

2 November 2021

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Introduction to Julia

20 April 2021 

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Introduction to C++

13 April 2021

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Python Series: Session One – An Introduction to Handling and Presenting Data

5 January 2021 

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LaTeX Series: Session One for Scientific Reports – Getting Started with New Documents

12 February 2021

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IOP Employability Skills Series | Physics profile: CVs

11 June 2021

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IOP Employability Skills Series | Physics profile: online

11 June 2021 

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PLANCKS 2021 CERN Tour and ALPHA Experiment

29 March 2021

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PLANCKS 2021 Professor Jim Al-Khalili

29 March 2021

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PLANCKS Quantum Employers’ Panel

25 January 2021

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Ways to Maintain Wellbeing During COVID-19

9 February 2021

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Wellbeing for University Students and Early Career Members

2 December 2020

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Under each category, videos are listed in chronological order by date, with the most recent events at the top. 

  • This is just a small sample of our event recordings. Become an IOP member to access more than 50 videos of skills sessions on different areas of the Physicist’s Toolkit, 
    including physics talks, panels, webinars and workshops on different themes, including wellbeing, career development, coding and more.