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University student community

Our student engagement programme, in collaboration with partners, will enable students to make the most of their time at university and be better prepared for their next steps. The range of events and activities we organise will provide opportunities to develop skills for life, including team work, critical thinking, independent learning, leadership and communication.

We do this through the following programmes and resources:

Introductory guide to resilience and wellbeing for undergraduate physics students

The Institute of Physics and the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy have collaborated to produce this guide for undergraduate physics students. This short guide contains information to help you develop and maintain your resilience and wellbeing. It will support you to deal with setbacks, embrace change and make the most of your time at university.

Read more and download the guide

Campus Ambassadors

On many campuses across the UK and ROI there are IOP Campus Ambassadors supporting the physics student community. They do this by:

  • developing activities on campus that strengthen student opportunities
  • build campus relationships
  • promote the benefits of extracurricular engagement
  • act as a link to their university's physics students and department
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IOP affiliated societies

We recognise the value physics and astronomy student societies add to the student experience at university, providing opportunities to bring together like-minded students for informative and engaging activities. Through our affiliated societies programme we support student societies to organise local events on campus and meet peers from across the UK and ROI at our annual forum for affiliated students’ societies.

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Annual activities

We work with students to organise a series of national and international events including our annual facilities trip, the Forum of University Societies Events and the PLANCKS competition. Through our events you can expect to:

  • delve deeper into the world of physics and related disciplines
  • learn ways to develop your career
  • compete in international physics competitions
  • learn how to organise your own events
  • network outside your locality
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International Association of Physics Students (IAPS)

IAPS is an association of physics students and student societies from around the globe, supporting friendly relations and collaboration between physics students on academic, professional, social and cultural issues.

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European Physical Society (EPS) Young Minds

The Young Minds project is an initiative of the EPS to connect young researchers in Europe and promote science to the broader public. Currently more than 50 groups from across Europe are participating in the project.

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IOP membership

IOP membership provides access to a wealth of resources, activities and events to support your career development and allow you to further your interest in physics.

Discover more about how membership can support you to:

  • broaden your physics knowledge
  • connect to the community
  • get ahead in your career with a professional registration
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Further information

To learn more about how you or your student society can make an impact in your physics community, please contact our student engagement team:

Email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 20 7470 4917