Malvern PANalytical Thesis Prize in Physical Crystallography
This prize is for the best use of techniques or methods of physical crystallography in a successfully examined thesis submitted between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2019.
Physical crystallography science must be central to the work, which must also demonstrate a context over and above structural work for its own sake.
Nominations for the 2020 prize are now open.
Submissions should include:
- a copy of the thesis in electronic format
- a personal statement of not more than 500 words explaining why the thesis should be considered for the prize with a clear description of the role of physical crystallography in the research
- contact details of two academic referees, one of whom can be the thesis supervisor, who can comment on the thesis research
Eligible areas of study include:
- materials science
- solid-state chemistry
- condensed matter physics
Nominees must be a member of the IOP’s Structural Condensed Matter Group and/or the British Crystallographic Association’s Physical Crystallography Group.
Non-members can enter but must join one or both groups at the student rate to progress their application.
The winner must:
- present a 30-minute talk about their PhD work
- be interviewed by PANalytical for an article in X’Press magazine
Email nominations to group chair Dr Anthony Phillips [email protected].
The prize will be awarded at the 2020 winter meeting in November.
Noah Waterfield-Price
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, for Domains and Functionality in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Films.
Lewis Owen
Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, for The analysis of Local Structural Effects in Alloys Using Total Scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo Techniques.
Pu Zhao
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, for The Structure-Property Relations of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework 7 for Carbon Dioxide Capture.
Andrew Cairns
Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, for Mechanical and Configurational Degeneracy in Transition Metal Cyanide Materials.
Josh Makepeace
Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, for Light Metal Amides for Hydrogen Storage and Ammonia Decomposition.
Alexander Hearmon
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, for Neutron, X-Ray, and Optical Studies of Multiferroic Materials.
Mark Senn
Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, for Charge, Orbital and Magnetic Ordering in Transition Metal Oxides.
Lucian Pascut
School of Physics, Bristol University, for Neutron and Resonant X-ray Scattering Studies of Low Dimensional Quantum Magnets.
Stuart Bland
Department of Physics, Durham University, for X-Ray Scattering Studies of Charge and Orbital Ordering in Transition Metal Oxides.
Helen Maynard-Casely
Department of Physics, University of Edinburgh, for The new Mineralogy of the Outer Solar System and the High-Pressure Behaviour of Methane.
Aurora Cruz-Cabeza
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, for On the Prediction, Rationalisation and Discovery of New Crystal Forms.
Lars Lundegaard
Department of Physics, University of Edinburgh, for High-Pressure Difraction Studies of Rubidium Phase IV.
Lynne Thomas
Department of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, for Disorder in Substituted Benzenes by Combined Diffraction and Computational Studies.
Andrew Goodwin
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, for Dynamics from Powder Diffraction.
Dominic Fortes
UCL, for Crystallisation of Ammonia Hydrates under High Pressure.