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Physical Crystallography Prize

This award is for the best recently published work by a physicist in the early stages of their career in physical crystallography. The prize is £500. 

The prize is now open for applications. Apply via the Structural Condensed Matter Physics website.

The deadline is 5pm on Friday 22 December 2023.

Nominees should:

  • not be in the same department as their nominator
  • be in the first 12 years of their career (allowing for career breaks)
  • be citizens, resident and working, or have done their submitted work in the UK

Submissions should include:

  • the nominee’s CV
  • papers on which the nomination is based
  • a supporting statement from the nominator

For more details email [email protected].

The winner must give a verbal presentation at the spring meeting. The prize was formerly called the Early Career Physical Crystallography Prize.


2018 Dr Mark Senn (Warwick)

2016 Dr Paul Saines (Kent)

2014 Dr Roger Johnson (Oxford)

2012 Mr Jonathan Wright (ESRF)

2010 Dr Christoph Salzmann (Durham)

2008 Dr Laurent Chapon (ISIS)

2006 Dr Matt Tucker (Cambridge University)

2004 Dr Andrew Wills (UCL)

2001 Dr Jens Kreisel (Warwick)

1999 Dr Mark Harris

1998 Dr Alison Pawley

1997 Dr Kenneth Harris

1996 Dr Chick Wilson (ISIS)

1995 Dr Werner Kaminsky

1993 Dr Simon Redfern

1992 Dr Pamela Thomas

1991 Dr Ross Angel

1990 Dr Martin Dove (Cambridge)

1989 Dr Lynne McCuske