Quantum Electronics and Photonics Doctoral Research Prize
This prize recognises students who have carried out doctoral research of an exceptional standard in the field of quantum electronics and photonics in the areas of our current activities.
The prize is up to £500 and a certificate. At the discretion of the committee, up to two further “runners up” prizes may be awarded.
Students eligible for this prize should be:
- members of the IOP
- nominated by their supervisor or themselves
- completing their PhD examination, to the stage of an examiners’ recommendation of at least a ‘pass with minor corrections’, between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022
Subject areas can include:
- lasers and other sources of electromagnetic radiation
- fibre optics and optical communication
- optical materials
- quantum optics
- integrated photonics
- nonlinear optics and light-matter interaction
- optical sensing and spectroscopy
- bio- and medical optics
- nanophotonics
Supervisors can nominate students, or students can self-nominate by submitting:
- the nomination form (Word DOC, 73KB)
- an electronic copy of the thesis
- a chosen feature image
- a headshot of the student for our print and online media
- a list of journal publications and conference papers with details of the invitation or poster
Submit nominations to Dr Edmund Harbord at the University of Bristol via email: [email protected].
The prize was not awarded during the pandemic.
Dr Chris Fitch
For his thesis Development of III-V Materials and Devices for Silicon Photonic Integration under the supervision of Professor Stephen Sweeney at the University of Surrey. Chris’s work addresses some of the key issues associated with the monolithic integration of III-V semiconductor laser materials on silicon. His thesis considers multiple approaches, each of which led to a high-quality journal output and presentations at key international conferences. His thesis is extremely well-constructed and provides a comprehensive presentation of his research and, in its wider context, already offers a valuable reference for other PhD students and researchers involved in this field.
Dr Rachel Offer
For Four-wave mixing in rubidium vapour with structured light and an external cavity, under the supervision of Dr Aidan Arnold and Professor Erling Riis at the University of Strathclyde.
Dr Daniel Whiting
For Nonlinear Optics in a Thermal Rb Vapour at High Magnetic Fields, under supervision of Professor Ifan Hughes at the University of Durham.
Joint winners
Dr Dianmin Lin
For Flat Optics Based On Dielectric Gradient Metasurfaces. Stanford University, US.
Dr Jamie Francis-Jones
For Active Multiplexing of Spectrally Engineered Heralded Single Photons in an Integrated Fibre Architecture Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials. University of Bath, UK.
Joshua Silverstone
For Entangled Light in Silicon Waveguides Centre for Quantum Photonics. University of Bristol, UK.
Jun Yu (Bruce) Ou
For Reconfigurable Photonic Metamaterials Nanophotonics and Metamaterials Group, University of Southampton, UK.
Tobias Herr
For Solitons and Dynamics of Frequency Comb Formation in Optical Microresonators K-Lab, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
Sebastian Weustner
For Gain and Plasmon Dynamics in Active Nanoplasmonic Metamaterials. Condensed Matter Theory Group, Imperial College London, UK.
Paul Siddons
For Faraday Rotation of Pulsed and Continuous-wave Light in Atomic Vapour. Atomic and Molecular Physics Group, Durham University, UK.
Eric Plum
For Chirality and Metamaterials. Nanophotonics and Metamaterials Group, University of Southampton, UK.
Nikitas Papasimakis
For Trapped-modes, Slow Light and Collective Resonances in Metamaterials. Nanophotonics and Metamaterials Group, University of Southampton, UK.
Kosmas Tsakmakidis for Ultra-slow and Stopped Light in Metamaterials. Condensed Matter Theory Group, Imperial College London, UK.
Fernando Brandao
Imperial College London.
Sarah Croke
Strathclyde University.
Matthias Ediger
Heriot-Watt University.
John Morton
Oxford University.
Jörg Evers
Universität Freiburg.
Hyunseok Jeong
Queen's University Belfast.
Seán Martin O'Flaherty
Trinity College Dublin.
Dimitris Angelakis
Imperial College London.