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Special interest group prizes

IOP's special interest groups offer a variety of prizes. Visit each prize page to find out more including how to apply.

If you have any additional questions, please email [email protected].

Special interest groupType of prizePrize name (if named)
Astroparticle PhysicsEarly Career PrizeIOP APP Early Career Prize
Astroparticle PhysicsThesis PrizeIOP APP Thesis Prize
Biological PhysicsLecture seriesTom Duke Lecture Prize
British Carbon GroupStudent/Early Career PrizeBrian Kelly Award
British Carbon GroupOutstanding ContributionSCI "Carbon in Industry" Award 
British Carbon GroupLecture seriesThe Ubbelohde Memorial Lectures
BRSG: The Magnetic Resonance GroupPrize for very early career talk (PhD/PDRA)Founder's Prize
BRSG: The Magnetic Resonance GroupPrize for early career researchersBRSG-NMRDG prize
Combustion PhysicsPresentation PrizeFelix Weinberg prize
Combustion PhysicsPoster Prize 
Combustion PhysicsBest PhDLefebvre prize
Combustion PhysicsBest paperRicardo award
Combustion PhysicsServices to combustionHuw Edwards prize
Computational PhysicsThesis PrizeComputational Physics Group Thesis Prize
Dielectrics and ElectrostaticsEarly Career PrizeMansel Davies Prize
Dielectrics and ElectrostaticsEarly Career PrizeJohn Chubb Prize
Electron Microscopy and AnalysisOral PresentationBest Student Oral Presentation
Electron Microscopy and AnalysisOral PresentationBest Student Oral Presentation
Electron Microscopy and AnalysisPoster PresentationBest Student Poster Presentation
Electron Microscopy and AnalysisFlash PresentationBest Student Flash Presentation
Environmental PhysicsEssay CompetitionAnnual essay competition
Food Physics Poster PrizeBest Student Poster
Food Physics Presentation PrizeBest Student Presentation
Gravitational Physics GroupThesis PrizeGravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize 
High Energy Particle PhysicsEarly Career Contribution PrizeThe HEPP Group Prize
High Energy Particle PhysicsEarly Career Contribution PrizeThe HEPP Group Science in Society Prize
High Energy Particle PhysicsPoster PrizeThe HEPP Group Poster Prize
Ion and Plasma Surface InteractionsPoster PrizeIPSI Group Poster Prize
Ion and Plasma Surface InteractionsThesis PrizeOutstanding PhD Thesis Award
Liquids and Complex FluidsEarly Career Prize 
Low Temperature GroupPhD student 
Low Temperature GroupPoster Prize 
Low Temperature GroupOutstanding ContributionSimon Memorial Prize
MagnetismStudent Poster PrizeMagnetism Conference: Best student presentation prize 
Materials and CharacterisationEarly Career PrizeEarly Career Prize for the Best Presentation at the Recent Appointees in Materials Science Meeting 
Materials and CharacterisationPoster PrizeGroup Poster Prize
Medical PhysicsPhD studentMedical Physics Group PhD Prize
Nanoscale Physics and TechnologyThesis PrizeFranks Doctoral Thesis Prize
Neutron ScatteringEarly Career ResearcherBTM Willis Prize
Neutron ScatteringStudent Poster PrizePenfold-Thomas Prize
Nuclear IndustryEarly Career Prize 
Nuclear IndustryCareer Contribution Prize 
Optical GroupThesis PrizeOptical Group Thesis Prize
Optical GroupEssay PrizeOptical Group Undergraduate Essay Prize
Optical GroupOutstanding Contribution PrizeOptics and Photonics Prize (joint with Quantum Electronics and Photonics)
Particle Accelerators and BeamsOutstanding contribution prize 
Particle Accelerators and BeamsPoster PrizeStudent and Early Career Scientist Poster Prize
Physical AcousticsAnnual prize for best paper in Physical AcousticsBob Chivers Prize in Physical Acoustics
Physics CommunicatorsEarly Career PrizeEarly Career Physics Communicator Award
Plasma PhysicsThesis PrizeCulham Thesis Prize
Plasma PhysicsCommunication PrizeRutherford Plasma Physics Communication Prize
Plasma PhysicsPoster PrizeIOP Plasma Physics Student Poster Prize
Plasma PhysicsEarly Career Researcher PrizeMalcolm Haines Prize
Polymer PhysicsOutstanding contribution to Polymer Physics in the UK or IrelandPolymer Physics Founders Prize
Polymer PhysicsOutstanding publication by a PhD student on a subject within our Group's remitIan Macmillan Ward Prize or the Best Student Publication
Polymer PhysicsA lecture exchange with the Division of Polymer Physics of the American Physical Society (APS)PPG/DPOLY Polymer Lecture Exchange
Printing and Graphics Science GroupPresentation PrizeStudent presentation prize
Quantum Electronics and PhotonicsThesis PrizeDoctoral Research Prize
Quantum Electronics and PhotonicsOutstanding contributionOptics and Photonics Prize (joint with Optical Group)
Quantum Optics, Information and Control (QQQ)Poster PrizePHOTON QQQ poster prize
Semiconductor PhysicsPresentation PrizePhD Student Research Communication Prize
Semiconductor PhysicsThesis PrizePhD Thesis Competition
Structural Condensed Matter PhysicsThesis PrizeMalvern PANalytical Thesis Prize
Structural Condensed Matter PhysicsEarly Career Publication PrizePhysical Crystallography Prize
Structural Condensed Matter PhysicsPoster PrizePhysical Crystallography Poster Prize
SuperconductivityThesis PrizeSuperconductivity Group Thesis Prize
SuperconductivityOutstanding Contribution PrizeBrian Pippard Prize
Theory of Condensed MatterPoster PrizeTCM 'Theory Day' Poster Prize
Theory of Condensed MatterThesis PrizeAnnual “Sam Edwards” PhD Thesis Prize
Thin Films and SurfacesBest poster presentationTFSG Poster Prize
Thin Films and SurfacesBest oral presentationTFSG Oral Prize
Thin Films and SurfacesBest PhD thesisWoodruff Thesis Prize
TribologyPhD studentPoster Award
TribologyEarly Stage ResearcherInnovation in Tribology Award
VacuumPoster PrizeVacuum Group Poster Prize
Women in PhysicsAward for achievement in research and outreachVacuum Group Poster Prize