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Printing and Graphics Science Group

This is an IOP special interest group, which is a community of IOP members focused on a particular discipline, application or area of interest. 

Special interest groups allow members to connect and share knowledge and ideas. The IOP funds groups to deliver a range of activities including events, prizes and bursaries. All of our groups are driven by members.  

About the group

As a special interest, member-driven group, we promote the application of physics in printing and graphics technologies.

The UK is a world leader in printing and graphics. Our objectives are to promote:

  • the application of physics in graphics arts technology, printing, packaging and papermaking
  • the development of innovative printing in new markets such as displays, lighting and printed electronics
  • recognition of the importance of physics in those industries, and to promote physics in these industries as a career choice to graduates
  • forums for communication in the scientific community in our industries

Research in printing and graphics technologies is multi-disciplinary. It can be carried out by scientists who may not have physics as a primary discipline in environments where physics is not the focus. Our activities are aimed at a wider community engaged with the development and application of physics.

What the group does

We have strong links with IOP groups in related subjects like:

  • tribology
  • polymer physics
  • engineering physics
  • materials and characterisation
  • ion and plasma surface interactions
  • liquids and complex fluids

We are interested in the manufacture and properties of paper as a key substrate for printing, and in the physics of packaging. Our interests also include:

  • inkjet
  • colour
  • printing
  • bioprinting
  • 3D printing
  • photovoltaics
  • visual displays
  • smart packaging
  • flexible electronics
  • printed electronics
  • visual psychophysics
  • electro-optic materials
  • graphic arts technology/science

We bring together scientists working in industry, academy and elsewhere, and develop links with professional societies such as:

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Group physics prize

Printing and Graphics Science Group Student Presentation Prize

This prize is for the best oral and poster presentation at our annual student conference.

Find out more about the Printing and Graphics Science Group Student Presentation Prize, including previous winners.

Physics resources

Download the conference report (PDF, 64KB) by group member Tom Mitchell-Williams who was supported to apply for funding from the IOP’s Research Student Conference Fund to attend the 50th anniversary Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) in Denver, Colorado.

Group events

Find events for the Printing and Graphics Science Group


Useful links

Committee and contact

ChairProfessor Davide Deganello, MInstP20212025
TreasurerDr Susanne Klein, FInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberMr Przemyslaw Falak, MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberDr Leszek Majewski, CPhys FInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr Fouzia Ouali, CPhys MInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr James Rawlings, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Emma Talbot, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Gary Wells, MInstP20242028

Research Student Conference Fund

Financial support for PhD research students to attend international and major national meetings.

Find out more about the fund