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Ian Macmillan Ward Prize for the Best Student Publication

This prize recognises the most outstanding publication on a journal website or in printed format by a PhD student.

The winner gets a financial award and is invited to present a lecture at our conference.

The applicant must be an author or co-author of the publication.

The research reported in the publication must have been carried out as part of the PhD research of the applicant.

Judges will consider:

  • originality
  • scientific quality
  • significance of the research

Nominations will include:

  • a paper or electronic copy of the publication in a journal
  • a signed letter (on university letterhead) from the supervisor of the PhD student confirming that the research was carried out by the applicant as part of PhD research
  • a statement from the applicant outlining the significance of the publication

For more information, write to Professor Aline Miller, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester, 131 Princess Street, Manchester M1 7DN.



Stephanie Burg, University of Sheffield


Charalampos Pappas, University of Groningen


Davide Michieletto, University of Warwick


Daniel Toolan, University of Sheffield


Katherine Thomas, University of Cambridge


Rita La Spina, University of Sheffield


Tao Wang, University of Surrey