Reactor Physics Technical Forum, 11 September 2024
- Gary Bolton: Advanced Nuclear and International Research Programmes (PDF, 1.01MB)
- Helen Brooks: Multi-Physics Analyses: Scalable Open-Source Software for Fusion (PDF, 13.8MB)
- Maximilian Kraus: The Random Ray Method for Transient Simulations (pptx, 5.88MB)
- Jean Lavarenne and Glynn Hosking: Watts Bar 1 – Uncertainty Quantification for Start of Life, Hot Zero Power (PDF, 1.21MB)
- Robert Mills: Technical Session 2 - Nuclear Data (pptx, 2.55MB)
- Rufus Neame: Linear Sources in The Random Ray Method (pptx, 5.42MB)
- Rolls-Royce SMR: 1b – UK Strategy Discussion (pptx, 780KB)
Nuclear Industry and Medical Physics Groups joint event 7 June 2019
The event was held at the IOP HQ in King’s Cross and aimed at synchronising the discussion and discourse of two different sectors when discussing radionuclides – a topic becoming more interesting to medical physics as the world begins to better manage and even look past the ubiquitous Technetium-99m. Several experts gave presentations across two sessions and a lively panel discussion of all the speakers drew each to a close. Here are some of the presentations given on the day:
- Jim Thurston – An overview of the uses of radioactive substances in medicine (PDF, 1.8MB)
- Beverly Ellis – Security of supply of medical radioisotope (PDF, 5.3MB)
- Peter Ivanov – Radiochemistry and nuclear metrology for life sciences and health application (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Andrew Robinson – Nuclear medicine metrology – traceability for clinical measurement (PDF, 2.3MB)
- David Parker – Cyclotron isotope production (some history, with particular reference to Birmingham) (PDF, 1MB)
- Tim Tinsley – Can we deliver a sustainable supply of medical radioisotopes by harvesting them from existing material? (PDF, 1.7MB)
- Jim Thurston – Dealing with radioactive waste arising from the medical use of radioactive substance (PDF, 1MB)
Nuclear education and skills capability: the role of international collaboration, 14 March 2018
Watch the YouTube video on Nuclear Emergency Support Team activities and what it means for the industry, by Jim Gulliford
From Magnox to Chernobyl, 28 September 2017
60 Years on from ZETA, 14 June 2017
- 60 Years on from ZETA (PDF, 5.4MB), by Chris Warrick
- Inertial Confinement Fusion (PDF, 2.7MB), by Kate Lancaster
- Compact Tokamaks with High Temperature Superconducting Magnets (PDF, 2.5MB), by David Kingham
Regulation of UK Nuclear New Build, 17 May 2017
- How the Office for Nuclear Regulation monitors the UK Nuclear New Build project to deliver nuclear reactors (PDF, 835KB), by Mike Finnerty
The UK's Nuclear Future, 28 February 2017
- Realising nuclear energy’s true potential: Reaching beyond the challenges of today (PDF, 7.9MB), by Dame Sue Ion
Nuclear Security, 15 November 2016
- Civil Nuclear Security and Cyber and Information Security (PDF, 3MB), by Robert Rodger and Graham Urwin
Generation IV Reactors: Opportunities and Challenges, 2 November 2016
- The promise of reliable, low-carbon, and economic nuclear energy with the potential to be sustainable (PDF, 4.5MB), by Richard Stainsby
Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 13 July 2016
Small Modular Reactors – the Real Nuclear Renaissance? 25 May 2016
- Can factory prefabrication and larger series of orders make small reactors economic? (PDF, 5MB), by Juan Matthews
Nuclear data, 12 April 2016
- Physics behind the production of nuclear data sets and extending data beyond neutron interactions (PDF, 930KB), by Dr Robert Mills
Farewell to Magnox, 28 October 2015
Watch presentations from a half-day seminar at the Wylfa Nuclear Power Station that marked the end of the use of Magnox reactors to produce electricity.
- Magnox Reactor Fleet In Pictures (PPT, 3.20MB)
- Welcome to Wylfa (PPT, 3.52MB)
- Magnox – the historical background (PPT, 5MB)
- Evolution of the Magnox Design (PPT, 6MB)
- History of the Wylfa Boilers (PPT, 3.52MB)
- Radioactive Waste Management (PPT, 5.34MB)
- The Future – Wylfa Newydd (PPT, 3.9MB)
- Hitachi-GE and the UK ABWR (PPT, 3.5MB)
Travels with a Cyclotron, 9 June 2015
- History and application of the UK’s cyclotrons used to produce images of lungs with a gamma camera (PDF, 5.4MB), by David Parker
Graphite Reactors, 24 March 2015
- Radiation Damage in Nuclear Graphite (PDF, 2.78MB), by Helen Freeman
From Fission to Fuel Gone, 20 November 2014
- The first significant stage in the decommissioning of the reactor (PDF, 6.7MB), by Trevor Chambers
Innovative approaches to optimise the management of higher-activity radioactive wastes, 17 September 2014
Jules Horowitz Reactor, 6 March 2014
- The UK’s contribution to the Joules Horowitz reactor (PDF, 5.2MB), by David Farrant