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Nanoscale Physics and Technology Group

This is an IOP special interest group, which is a community of IOP members focused on a particular discipline, application or area of interest. 

Special interest groups allow members to connect and share knowledge and ideas. The IOP funds groups to deliver a range of activities including events, prizes and bursaries. All of our groups are driven by members.  

About the group

As a special interest, member-driven group, we are interested in nanotechnology and nanoscale structures related to:

  • physics
  • research
  • technology
  • applications
  • public awareness

We highlight the role of physics in nanoscale science and nanotechnology.

What the group does

We serve and support members of the IOP with an interest in the physics of 0.1-100 nm structures and the development of these structures for new technologies.

Joining an IOP special interest group

For non-IOP members: Become a member now

For IOP members: Find out how to join a group

Group physics prize

Franks Thesis Prize

This prize encourages and recognises high-quality research and scientific writing in the broad physics research fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Find out more about the Franks Thesis Prize, including previous winners.

Group events

Find events for the Nanoscale Physics and Technology Group


Newsletter, Summer 2018 (PDF, 1.32MB)

Committee and contact

ChairDr Martin Munz, MInstP20242025
SecretaryDr Khurshed Shah, FInstP20212025
TreasurerDr Yameng Cao, CPhys MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberEur Ing Dr Richard Forbes, CPhys FInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberMr Gary Hayes, MInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr Dean Kos, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Luis Perdigao, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Ibon Santiago, MInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr Taylor Stock, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Adam Sweetman, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberMr David Tolfree, CPhys FInstP20212025