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Low Temperature PhD Thesis Prize

This prize is for a PhD thesis that makes the strongest contribution to the development of low-temperature physics and technology. 

Organised by the Low Temperature Group, the prize rewards the PhD thesis that makes the strongest contribution to the development of low-temperature physics and technology.

  • The prize is £250.

Eligibility and nominations

The prize is open to all students of institutions in the UK and Ireland who successfully complete their PhD examination between 1 June 2023 and the deadline for nominations.

We are no longer accepting nominations for 2024. Please email any queries to Sean Giblin, [email protected].


Thesis submissions should include:

  • the thesis;
  • the student’s CV, including publication list;
  • a summary of the major achievements included in the PhD thesis;
  • information on whether the thesis has also been submitted to another IOP group for a PhD thesis prize; and
  • official confirmation that the PhD examination has been completed (i.e. viva passed and, where necessary, approval of final corrected thesis).


Theses are pre-screened by the chair, vice-chair and secretary of the group committee, which shortlists three. The winner is chosen by the eight-strong committee.

Previous winners


Scott Manifold

Material considerations for the development of superconducting boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond devices

Duncan Mifsud MInstP

On the astrochemistry of sulphur molecules in interstellar and solar system ice analogues