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High Energy Particle Physics Science in Society Prize

This prize is for an early career researcher who has made an outstanding contribution to outreach in particle physics. 

The prize is a certificate.

The prize is awarded to an early career researcher for outstanding contributions to outreach in particle physics. The prize is a certificate.

The IOP defines early career as meaning someone who is (and allowing for career breaks): 

  • Within six years of completing their PhD
  • Or (if they do not have a PhD) within 10 years of the start of their first employment contract where research and / or the application of physics is the primary function of their role

Nominees will:

Nominations should comprise a summary case of up to two pages, together with major citation evidence (where relevant) and may include up to two letters of support for the candidate.

Nominations are now open and should be sent to the Group Secretary, Peter Millington: [email protected].

Nominations close at 12 noon on Monday 17 March 2025.



Kirsty Duffy

For exceptional public engagement in neutrino physics.


Linda Cremonesi

For her passionate promotion of science to a diverse audience across many different forms of media.


Dr Suzie Sheehy

For outstanding public engagement in accelerator science and particle physics.


Harry Cliff

For his work as curator and head of content for the successful Collider exhibition and other outreach work with the Science Museum, CERN, and the Cavendish Laboratory.


Tom Whyntie

For his work establishing nationwide the CERN@school programme, which has brought CERN technology into the classroom.


Alan Walker

For outreach reaching over 100,000 people through a variety of exhibitions, public events and talks.


Ben Still

For public engagement through blogs, art collaborations and school outreach, particularly in the field of neutrino physics.


Mark Stockton

For his work on developing the MINERvA package for International Masterclasses.


Brian Cox

For publicising particle physics in the popular media, particularly on BBC TV and radio programmes.

The prize was not awarded in 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021.