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Special interest group committees

Find out more about the IOP special interest group committees.

What do special interest group committees do?

Special interest group committees drive forward activities to ensure IOP group members can connect, and share knowledge and ideas in their chosen interest area, discipline or application of physics. Special interest groups deliver a range of activities including events and conferences, group prizes and tactics to broaden participation in their professional networks.

What type of role might I be able to have?

Committees are made up of IOP members with specific group officer roles such as Chair, Secretary and Treasurer who deliver group activities such as events, newsletters and prizes. In addition to this, special interest group committees can have up to nine committee (‘ordinary’) members or early career physicists whose role could include anything from content creation and managing collaborations with external groups, to organising committee meetings.

Why should I put myself forward to be part of a committee?

Being on a committee is rewarding and allows you to:

  • play a key role in helping to deliver and influence IOP’s vision to build a thriving, diverse physics community;
  • share your ideas and collaborate with a variety of IOP members;
  • organise engaging activities and events for IOP members and your community;
  • enhance your CV; and
  • increase your profile within the IOP and wider physics community.

What’s the process for joining a committee?

Self-nominations will be invited for vacant special interest group committee positions each year.

Nominations for 2024 are now closed. If more nominations are received than positions available, an election will be held in July 2024. All positions will start on 1 October 2024.