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Atomic and Molecular Interactions Group

This is an IOP special interest group, which is a community of IOP members focused on a particular discipline, application or area of interest. 

Special interest groups allow members to connect and share knowledge and ideas. The IOP funds groups to deliver a range of activities including events, prizes and bursaries. All of our groups are driven by members.  

About the group

As a special interest, member-driven group, we promote the exchange of ideas about the physics of the interaction of:

  • atoms
  • photons
  • electrons
  • molecules
  • antiparticles

More generally, we are interested in the experimental and theoretical study of the dynamics of many-body quantum systems for which the collision energy can range from ultracold to relativistic.

Our areas of interest include:

  • ions
  • muons
  • positrons
  • electrons
  • interactions of atomic and molecular systems with photons

What the group does

Research community

The strength of our community reflects the high degree of expertise in fundamental and applied collision processes that exists in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

We started in 2001 as the Gas-Phase Collisions Group, and had a large and active research community already established in the Division of Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics (DAMOPP).

Atomic collision research

We continue to support excellent contacts between theoretical and experimental researchers. We highlight the applications of atomic collision research in related areas such as:

  • astrophysics
  • quantum optics
  • nonlinear optics
  • environmental physics
  • fusion and plasma physics
  • surface and condensed matter physics

We extend beyond traditional areas of collision physics to encompass areas such as:

  • interactions between atoms, molecules and laser fields
  • the dynamics of cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)

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Group events

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Our newsletter highlights areas of research that we are involved with and the pure and applied scientific relevance.

Antimatter 2013 (PDF, 7.5MB)
Antimatter 2010 (PDF, 1.65MB)

Committee and contact

ChairDr Grahame Danby CPhys MInstP20242028
SecretaryDr Bikash Sharma, MInstP20232027
TreasurerDr Kathryn Khatry, MInstP20222026
Ordinary MemberDr Christopher Baker, MInstP20222026
Ordinary MemberMr Rohit Goswami, MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberDr Dangyuan Lei, MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberMr Javaid Shafi20232027
Ordinary MemberDr Emma Sokell, CPhys MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Bo Song, MinstP20222026