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Astroparticle Physics Group

This is an IOP special interest group, which is a community of IOP members focused on a particular discipline, application or area of interest. 

Special interest groups allow members to connect and share knowledge and ideas. The IOP funds groups to deliver a range of activities including events, prizes and bursaries. All of our groups are driven by members.  

About the group

As a special interest, member-driven group, we recognise the need for distinct UK representation in this rapidly expanding field.

Astroparticle physics is multidisciplinary and topics include but are not limited to:

  • dark matter
  • gravitational wave
  • neutrinoless double beta decay
  • cosmic ray physics
  • nuclear astrophysics
  • neutrino astronomy
  • gamma-ray astronomy
  • multi-messenger astronomy

What the group does

Our activities include:

  • acting as a representative forum for discussion and contact to the astroparticle physics community in the UK and Ireland
  • organisation of an annual general meeting for the astroparticle physics community
  • producing and circulating a community newsletter
  • providing support for half-day meetings
  • recognition of outstanding work in astroparticle physics, rewarded with bi-annual early-career and thesis prizes

Joining an IOP special interest group

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Group prizes and competitions

We have two astrophysics prizes:

  • Our IOP APP Early Career Prize is awarded on odd years.
  • Our IOP APP Thesis Prize is awarded on even years.

The prize is £250 and a certificate.

Find out more about the IOP APP Early Career Prize

Find out more about the IOP APP Thesis Prize

APP of the Day contest

This contest took place in 2020 to showcase the great work being done by astroparticle physics PhD students, in the absence of the annual IOP APP/HEPP/NP conference.

Find out about the APP of the Day contest winners


Review of UK Astroparticle Physics Research

Download report (PDF, 1.44MB)

Group events

Find events for the Astroparticle Physics Group


Committee and contact

ChairDr Ryan Nichol, MInstP20242028
SecretaryDr Cheryl Patrick, MInstP20232027
TreasurerDr Christopher McCabe, MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberMr Richard Bloodworth, CPhys MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberProfessor Garret Cotter, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Amy Cottle, MInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr Ian Harry20212025
Ordinary MemberDr Praveen Kumar Dhankar, MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberMr Aditya Naik20232027
Ordinary MemberDr Athoy Nilima, MInstP20222026
Ordinary MemberDr Sally Shaw, MInstP20242028
Early Career PhysicistMx Rogan Clark, MInstP20222026