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The IOP is a great place to volunteer! Our opportunities inspire a diverse range of people to give their time, expertise and energy. Our volunteers are at the heart of every area of our work and a vital part of the physics community. 

We organise and attend events across the UK and Ireland bringing physics to new audiences and engagement opportunities for the physics community.

There are plenty of ways you can get involved to suit your skills, abilities and time commitments, conveying your passion for physics to a wide range of people.

Perhaps you’d like to showcase physics experiments at a public event? Or support our activities across geographic and interest groups by becoming a committee member?

Take a look at some of our inspiring IOP volunteer stories and register to volunteer with us by completing the form below.

Recognising the work of our volunteers, IOP Chief Executive, Tom Grinyer said: “Our active members and volunteers are vital in helping us to inspire, represent and celebrate everybody who shares a passion for physics and, to me, are the truest expression of IOP and its mission.”

Further information and resources

Resources to help you host a public lecture, event or activity to explain why physics is for everyone.

Volunteer and member expenses

It’s important that, as an IOP volunteer, you’re never out of pocket from undertaking activity on our behalf. Any out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed. Please download the expenses claim form (Word, 104KB) and email the relevant person for approval.

Register to volunteer with us

If you are interested in hearing about volunteering opportunities in your region/s please sign up below. Alternatively, you can look for upcoming opportunities on our events site.

Please contact [email protected] if you are under 18

Your privacy: We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting the personal information you share with us. For more details about how we handle your personal information, please see our Privacy Notice.

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Support young people to change the world

Limit Less is our campaign to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics