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Highlights from the Celebration of Physics

A selection of photos from the Celebration of Physics held at Silverstone on 5 June 2024.

 Dr Elizabeth Cunningham stands on stage with a group of seven school children.

Above: Dr Elizabeth Cunningham MInstP, IOP Vice-President for Membership, with local school children.

Exhibitors from the British Airways stand talk to participants.

Above: Exhibitors and participants.

A representative of the IOP Special Interest Groups talks to a participant in front of an IOP Special Interest Group stand.

Above: Representatives of IOP special interest groups.

Dr Mark Richards addresses participants.

Above: Dr Mark Richards, Hon.FInstP, 2023 Honorary Fellow.

Four school children standing in a group in front of a person dressed as Batman.

Above: School children with Batman.

Participants at the Celebration of Physics seated in chairs, listening to a talk.

Above: Participants at the celebration of physics.

Award winners and their guests seated around tables during the award presentation ceremony, clapping for the announcement of a winner.

Above: Award winners and guests during the award presentation ceremony.

Laura Tobin stands on stage addressing participants.

Above: Laura Tobin FRMS, broadcast meteorologist and scientist.

James Davies stands on stage addressing participants who are seated around tables. There are two F1 cars and a Batmobile on display in the background.

Above: James Davies MInstP, UK Atomic Energy Authority, and participants.