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Developing our strategy: Your voice matters!

The IOP has launched a research programme to understand our members’ views, in tandem with consultation with the wider community. 

The IOP is currently reviewing its strategy and exploring how we can evolve our ambition from 2024 onwards to best deliver for our members, for physics and for society in a changing world. It is vital that our new strategy is shaped by and for our members and the physics community. We have therefore launched a research programme to understand our members’ views, in tandem with consultation with the wider community. 

One of the key aims of this research is therefore to seek the views of all our members on our new strategy – from every career stage, all backgrounds, reflecting the full diversity of the IOP community including those whose voices are often less heard.

The other key aim of the research is to help us understand our members’ views on the IOP more widely so that we can become the most effective, rewarding and influential professional body and learned society we can be. 

The research therefore invites our members to share their views on our offer and work, what we do well, where you think we could improve and what you’d like to see from us in the future.


Who is carrying out the research for the IOP?

We have commissioned Research by Design, an independent market research company, to undertake this research on our behalf. Research by Design operates under the Market Research Society’s (MRS) Code of Conduct, which ensures that research participants’ anonymity is protected and that information provided is kept strictly confidential. 

Visit Research by Design’s website.

What about data protection?

Research by Design is registered as a Data Controller to undertake research in any field, including market, health, lifestyle, scientific or technical research, under the UK GDPR, the EU GDPR, and the Data Protection Act 1998 as applicable; registration number Z5405593. 

Research by Design is committed to meeting the requirements of the following laws and codes: 

  • The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) 
  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) 
  • Data Protection Act 1998 and the new Data Protection Bill 2017 
  • ICC/ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) International Code on Market and Social Research

You can review Research by Design’s privacy policy here.

What type of consultation has been commissioned?

An online survey will be distributed to all our members (who have shown legitimate interest in research and for whom a valid email address is held).

Following the online survey, Research by Design will undertake a follow up piece of qualitative work (focus groups or depth interviews) with key subgroups within our membership.  

Is the online survey secure?

Respondent data is encrypted in transit (via HTTPS) and is stored encrypted in EU data centres.

How can members take part in the online survey?

Research by Design sends email invitations to participate in the survey on behalf of its clients. The email ‘from’ address in this instance will say ‘Tom Grinyer, CEO, IOP Group’ followed by our software server email address ([email protected]).

If you have not received a link to participate in the survey, please contact [email protected] to request a link.

How is the online survey being undertaken?

The survey is available online with personalised invitations to participate sent by email. Each email contains a survey link allowing the recipient to be directed straight to their own version of the online survey. Reminder emails are sent at intervals throughout the fieldwork period to help encourage participation. Reminder emails are automated and we at the Institute of Physics will not know who has participated in the research and who has chosen not to. An opt out will be included for those who wish not to receive any reminders. 

How long might the online survey take?

The survey is likely to take around 15 minutes to complete, but this does depend on the answers our members give us and the number of comments they wish to make.

Can I re-enter the online survey to make amendments or continue where I left off?

If the survey has not been submitted (by pressing ‘submit’ on the final page), members can log back into the survey using the link on the emails to continue where they left off at any time. Each time you move to a new page of the survey the responses are saved. 

Once the survey has been submitted, amendments are not possible. Members should contact Research by Design to discuss the options available.

How is the survey submitted to Research by Design?

There is a submit button at the bottom of the final page of the survey. All responses will be sent automatically to Research by Design. Saved but incomplete responses may still be used in the analysis. 

How will members’ responses be used?

All responses from the online survey will be aggregated and reported together. Free text insights will be reported thematically. All responses will remain anonymous and confidential. Specific comments will not be attributed to any individual (unless agreed otherwise). We have offered respondents the option to leave their email address should they be happy for us to contact them for further information, but this data will be disaggregated from individual responses in order to preserve anonymity. The IOP will not have access to this data. 

Following analysis, we will publish a summary report of the results towards the end of 2023. We will consult with relevant stakeholders about sharing suitably anonymised information further.

For anyone who would like to discuss the research with us, please contact our membership services team at [email protected].

To speak to Research by Design about the research, please contact Ben Harris, Research Manager, at [email protected] or call 0121 643 9090.

Finally, we’d like to express our appreciation to our members for their help in sharing their views and insights through the survey. This will ensure our strategy is built on the firm foundations that our membership’s full and varied expertise provides. Thank you.