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Evolving our ambition: developing our new strategy

In 2024, the IOP will be launching a new strategy which will evolve our ambition for a changing world. 

Since we launched our current strategy, Unlocking the Future (PDF, 141KB), in 2019, much has changed and much has been achieved.

Unlocking the Future identified fundamental issues blocking physicists from unleashing their potential for our society and set out our ambitions to tackle these together with our members and the physics community. We are proud of the impact we have had – read more about our impact.

Now, in a changed world but with many of the core challenges for physics as salient as ever, it is time for us to refresh our strategy and build on our success to meet the opportunities and risks of the next five years.

This new strategy will launch in 2024, and it will have our members at its heart.

We exist to advocate for you, amplify your diverse voices and views and create the conditions for physics to deliver for our society. We work to celebrate your vital work and to ensure you have the opportunities you need to interact with your peers, to develop in your career within an environment that values diversity and inclusion, and keep up to date with the latest in physics.

We do all this so that you can be the drivers of vital research and innovation that will solve challenges faced by the UK, Ireland and the world.

Share your views

We’ve been working with our elected Council, our member groups and more to shape the themes and ambitions of our new strategy.

We are now reaching out to our whole membership, seeking views from every part of our membership, every career stage, reflecting the full diversity of our community, including those whose voices are often less heard.

To do that, we have launched a member survey which we ask every IOP member to complete. We are seeking your views on the key drivers for our new strategy, as well as what you want from the IOP, your thoughts on our purpose, your satisfaction with what we do, and your ideas for how we can improve.

Find out more about the member survey, including answers to frequently asked questions.

We continue to welcome your views, questions and ideas on the direction we take over the coming years. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please contact [email protected].

We are incredibly excited about the next five years for physics and for our community. We look forward to creating that inclusive future with you, the brilliant, innovative and passionate physicists of today and tomorrow who make the UK and Ireland such leading lights in the world of science and innovation.