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West Midlands Branch

The West Midlands Branch is one of 11 regional branches in England, and part of a wider network of IOP activity across our Nations including Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

We cover the areas of Birmingham, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire with evening talks based in Birmingham, Hereford and Worcester and Keele.

Our activities

Physics talks

Check the IOP Events webpage for the latest information regarding talks and events in the region. Where talks are recorded, they can be found on the IOP Regions and Nations YouTube playlist.

Outreach events

We organise or support STEM events in the region, such as the University of Wolverhampton’s SciFest and Science in the Park in Malvern.

We work with schools by giving talks and demonstrations on a variety of subjects and run after-school clubs in some areas.

Branch committee

ChairMr Scott Walker, MInstP20222026
Vice-chairDr Alexandra Iordachescu, MInstP20232027
SecretaryMr Michael Boden, CPhys MInstP20212025
TreasurerMr David Bowdley, CPhys FInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr Nilanthy Balakrishnan, MInstP20232027
Ordinary MemberMr Rhys Bevan20232027
Ordinary MemberMr Daniel Cottle, CPhys MInstP20222026
Ordinary MemberMrs Margaret Cross, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberMr Ian Kemp, MInstP20212025
Ordinary MemberMr George Nwankpa, MInstP20242028
Ordinary MemberDr Catalin Pruncu MInstP20242028

Branch events

View upcoming West Midlands Branch events.

Member networks support officer

Sharon Connor: [email protected]

Contact details

Email: [email protected].

Keep up to date with our branch news, events and activities via our Twitter page, @IOPMidlands.