Teaching resources for Wales
Fun and helpful activities and resources.
Do try this at home! – Dylech wneud hyn gartre!
Marvin and Milo try out a new experiment every month. This is a set of colourful postcards that explore simple but exciting physics.
They are available in English on the IOPSpark website.
And in Welsh on the IOPSpark site.
Careers posters – Posteri
The posters depict physicists in a variety of careers and are available for download in Welsh.
- Engineer (PDF, 2.2KB)
- Journalist (PDF, 1.94KB)
- Laser physicist (PDF, 2.37KB)
- Lawyer (PDF, 1.71KB)
- Lighting designer (PDF, 1.61KB)
- Particle physicist (PDF, 2.84KB)
Creative physics activities – Gweithgareddau Ffiseg Creadigol
The Creative Physics Activity Pack contains everything you need to run a set of hands-on and creative craft-based physics activities including making a particle collision mobile, a planet and a galaxy sun-catcher.
These activities can work for a variety of audiences on outreach stands at science fairs, county shows and other similar events.
The leaflets have been translated into Welsh and can be downloaded now.
Galaxies – Galaethau
Taflen Galaethau (PDF, 1.84KB)
Particles – Gronynnau
Taflen Gronynnau (PDF, 3.39KB)