Policy consultations in Scotland
Recent policy papers on the key issues affecting Scotland.
The IOPS works to promote physics through extensive networks within the physics community. We respond quickly and effectively to government consultations and produce policy papers.
The IOPS works to promote the interests of physics and physicists in a number of ways. It uses extensive networks of contacts with members to provide information on a variety of issues.
We are thereby able to respond quickly and effectively to government consultations and produce policy papers on key issues. Read our recent documents on this page.
The IOP in Scotland also works with other partners with common interests, where appropriate, to inform policymakers and respond to consultations with joint responses. These are on the Learned Societies’ Group – Royal Society of Edinburgh website.
- Response to the National Discussion on Education (PDF, 132KB)
- Response to the skills delivery review (PDF, 226KB)
NB: The IOP blueprint for R&D, Physics: Investing In Our Future, was published in September 2022, after the deadline for submissions to the consultation on the Innovation Strategy. However, it was shared with the Scottish government to help inform their policy development.