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North East Branch

The North East Branch is one of 11 regional branches in England, and part of a wider network of IOP activity across our Nations including Scotland, Ireland and Wales. It covers NorthumberlandCounty Durham and Teesside, with activity centres based in Newcastle and Durham.

Our activities

We organise talks, visits and engagement opportunities for members in the North East, and work locally to promote physics, physics education and public understanding of physics.

Branch committee (from 1 October 2023)

ChairDr Samuel James, MInstP
Vice-chairMrs Angelina Anderson-Groves, MInstP
TreasurerMr Brian Metcalf, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Elisabetta Arca, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Alexander Cherlin, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Neil Downie, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Angela Dyson, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Sergio Gonzalez Sanchez, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Giray Kartopu, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Maciej Matuszewski, MInstP
Ordinary MemberDr Juna Sathian, MInstP

Branch events

View upcoming North East Branch events.

You can find recordings of previous branch events on our IOP Regions and Nations YouTube playlist.


Contact details

Email: [email protected]

Keep up to date with our branch news, activities and events via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Member networks support officer

Bethany Wootton: [email protected]

We deliver IOP strategy based on, and responding to, local needs and opportunities. We work closely with the Yorkshire and North East Branch committees and attend meetings, events and lectures as part of the annual programme of branch activity.

If you have any questions about the IOP in Yorkshire or the North East, or collaborations and physics-related ideas, you would like to see happening, please don't hesitate to contact us.