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Sponsorship and grants

The IOP in Ireland supports various festivals and offers funding for physics-related projects.


IOP is a gold sponsor of SciFest and presents the award for the best physics-related project at each of the 16 regional SciFest fairs in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

IOP is a silver sponsor of BTYSTE and presents the Institute of Physics Award for the project with the best physics content in the Physical Sciences category.

The BTYSTE exhibition was founded in 1963 by Dr Tony Scott, former vice-president of the IOP, along with the late Rev Dr Tom Burke.

Northern Ireland Science Festival

IOP is a sponsor of the annual Northern Ireland Science Festival, which offers a stimulating and wide range of events focusing on the wonders of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

These events present some of the best scientists from NI and beyond to discuss their work, cutting-edge research and what the future might hold.

SOPHia project (2018-ongoing)

The SOPHia project aims to encourage more students to form positive perceptions of physics, to take up physics as a Leaving Certificate subject, and to help address the gender imbalance in physics.

Project lead: Dr Gráinne Walshe, University of Limerick.

IOP Ireland Outreach Grants

IOP Ireland awards funding from €100-€1,000 to support outreach activities and initiatives in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Funding may be requested for a range of activities, including but not limited to: science/physics-related conference, public lectures, prizes for physics-related competition, chapter(s) in a book, and outreach activities.