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Abstract submission – privacy information and terms and conditions

Prior to submitting an abstract, please review these terms and conditions.

In order to submit your abstract for consideration at an Institute of Physics (“IOP”) conference, you must create a contact record. Any information you submit to your contact record will be held by the IOP in accordance with its privacy policy. It will also be made available to the reviewing committee in connection with your submission. Any personal information you include in your submission will also be published if your abstract is selected by the reviewing committee.

All submissions must be an original, unpublished abstract. The submission must not have been published elsewhere, including in connection with another conference. Abstracts submitted on behalf of another person will not be accepted.

You warrant to the IOP that:

1. your submission is your original work and you are the sole author and sole owner of the copyright in it;
2. your submission does not infringe the copyright or other intellectual property rights of any third party;
3. where your abstract contains content which is owned by a third party, you have obtained the valid permission of that third party to include their content in your abstract and to allow it to be used in accordance with the licence terms below;
4. you will inform us immediately if any such permission is withdrawn or expires for any reason; and
5. if your abstract is selected by the reviewing committee for inclusion in the conference you will register to attend the conference.

If your abstract is selected by the reviewing committee for inclusion in an IOP conference:

A. you hereby grant the IOP and the organisers of the conference a royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, sub-licensable licence with full title guarantee to publish your abstract in connection with the conference. The copyright of the abstract will remain with you and you will be identified as the author on publication. IOP and the organising committee shall be entitled to modify the abstract as necessary in order to exercise this right of publication. For the avoidance of doubt, this licence shall not take effect if your abstract is not selected; and
B. you agree to register to attend the conference within the timeframe specified or inform the IOP in writing within the period stated if you are unable to attend. Failure to register within such time period, whether or not you have informed IOP, will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the programme.

The IOP shall not be liable for any costs associated with your submission. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any disputes which may arise under them.