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An invitation to the IOP membership

A message from Dr Mark Telling CPhys FInstP, the IOP's Vice-President for Membership

Dear friends, colleagues and fellow members,

First, may I say how much I appreciate, and greatly value, the important contributions you have made to IOP membership focus groups and surveys in recent times. It is so important that we have insight into the changes we all want to see in both our organisation and across the physics community.

However, as the Vice-President for Membership, I want to provide you with an additional opportunity for comment; a chance for me to listen to any, and all, views you may have on the IOP’s work.

For someone who greatly values personal interaction over online connection, COVID-19 has sadly hampered our ability to engage. However, I hope this invitation will afford, in some way, a much-needed link between you, the members, and the trustees during these restricted times.

Therefore, should you have any thoughts and/or suggestions please do write to [email protected]. I ask that communication is:

  • succinct
  • respectful
  • constructive

but, beyond that, it can broach any topic of concern.

All correspondence is submitted in confidence and will be personally acknowledged by me. Suggestions will be used to inform areas of opportunity and improvement and, should ideas be taken forward for wider discussion, anonymised.

The Council and the Executive are committed to cultivating the member voice. As a result, your insights will not only continue to advise us of key successes, but also drive positive change by identifying where improvements can be made.

As we emerge from the pandemic, and as each of us navigates recent, and extraordinary, personal challenges and changes, I hope you and yours are safe and well. I wish you every success in your career and remember that the IOP’s Membership Team is as always available to advise and support your membership needs.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With very best wishes,


Dr Mark Telling CPhys FInstP
Vice-President for Membership, IOP

About Dr Mark Telling, Vice-President for Membership

Dr Mark Telling

Mark is a senior research scientist based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, and a visiting academic in the Department of Materials, University of Oxford. Currently serving as Associate Director, STFC (National Laboratories), his research interests focus on problems at the life sciences–physics interface which, via longstanding international collaboration, include simulative studies of protein activity and the development of injectable, bio-compatible drug delivery vehicles. He has just published a primer on neutron spectroscopy and has instructed students at workshops and research institutes across Europe, including the Universities of Rome (as Visiting Professor) and Copenhagen (at the Niels Bohr Institute).

Mark is a Chartered Physicist, a Fellow of the IOP and the current chair of the IOP’s Membership Committee. He was chair of the IOP’s London and South East Branch from 2012 to 2016, prior to which he served as branch treasurer (2010 to 2012). He has also served on the IOP’s Nominations Committee, Honorary Fellows Committee and the Nations and Branches Committee.

In 2016, Mark received the IOP’s Phillips Award, which was established to recognise individuals who have given distinguished service to the IOP. A keen STEM ambassador and student mentor, he is the principal driving force behind the IOP’s national Three Minute Wonder science communication competition, has contributed to the IOP’s continuing professional development strategy and, through mentoring activities, championed the IOP’s former teacher support activities in sub-Saharan Africa.