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Physics community

Conference for Undergraduate Women and Non-Binary Physicists UK and Ireland

The conference is a three-day event bringing together undergraduates who identify as women or non-binary. The goal is to encourage undergraduates to continue in physics by focusing on their development.

Find out more about CUWIP+
Crowd of people cheering

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Join a vibrant community of people who share your passion for physics.

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IOP membership where you are

We operate locally through a network of member-led branches.

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IOP special interest groups

Be at the heart of the physics community by joining an IOP special interest group.

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IOP events

Events for the physics community across the UK and Ireland.

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University student community

Our university student engagement programme enables students to make the most of their time at university and be better prepared for their next steps. Take a look at the range of events and activities we organise that you can take part in.

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IOP events

The IOP hosts a programme of events for the physics community across the UK and Ireland