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Apprentice and trainee

Become an Associate Member

Join a thriving physics community

We hope you’re enjoying your apprenticeship or training, whether you have just started or are further in your career and have begun to get a sense of the many places that physics can take you, both personally and professionally. As your journey continues – and throughout your career – we’re here to support your passion for physics, and to help you build the knowledge, skills and contacts you need to excel.

The IOP Apprentice Award enables the community to recognise and celebrate the skills and experiences of science and engineering apprentices and their contribution to physics. 

Get ahead with your career

We support our members’ career aspirations and professional development. We also provide a platform for networking and collaborating, where our members can help us shape the future of physics, as we are the voice of the physics community. We will support you to gain recognition through professional registration to stand out from the competition.

Our members work in education, academia, business, and the public sector, using physics and its applications to transform our lives and society.

Saskia Burke was awarded the 2023 IOP Apprentice Award for continued excellence in metrology: from underpinning radiopharmaceutical delivery, to winning funding to run her own research into the half-life of silicon-32 by mass spectrometry, improving climate change modelling. 

Saskia Burke, Associate Member

Associate Member

Join the IOP today and become part of our vibrant community pushing boundaries and making a difference. 

The physics community has played a pivotal role in transforming society and continues to be integral to tackling the global issues we face today. The IOP is committed to driving this change by developing a diverse and inclusive community and supporting our members to achieve their goals and shape their career.

IOP Associate Member for apprentices and trainees. We will also support you to:

  • Broaden your knowledge
  • Connect with your community
  • Develop employability skills
  • Get ahead in your career


Per year

Participate in a range of events 

Attend coding and other workshops live and accessible via our on demand service 

Keep learning and developing new skills 

Network with peers who can help your career develop 

Keep up to date with the latest physics news 

Gain recognition through a professional registration 

What you'll need to join...

  • Undertaking a qualifying scientific apprenticeship
  • Complete a simple online form

Unlocking the potential of physics together

Our ambitious strategy sets out our intention to transform the physics landscape for the UK and Ireland, and ensure a thriving physics ecosystem that will contribute to innovation, discovery, research, growth and debate in the UK, Ireland and beyond.

  • Improving access to physics in the UK, Ireland and further afield​

  • Raising the quality of taught physics degrees through our programme of Accreditation and Recognition​

  • Developing and leading standards of excellence for our community, through professional registration 

  • Celebrating the excellence in physics through our prestigious annual IOP Awards

  • Enhancing physics’ role in building a greener economy​

  • Creating a blueprint for the future of physics R&D to help power the new industrial era​

  • Strengthening connections across the globe to share knowledge and opportunities to collaborate​

IOP Awards

Apprentice Award

The IOP Apprentice Award enables the community to recognise and celebrate the skills and experiences of apprentices working in physics-powered businesses. 

Apprentice award

Professional registration workshops

Get registered

Join us for one of our online workshops to find out all you need to know about applying for a professional registration.

Join a registration workshop

How can we help?