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Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)

Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)

Why become a Registered Science Technician?

Achieving Registered ScienceTechnician status enhances your reputation and acknowledges your dedication to upholding scientific values within your role, our community and for society.

Registrants are assessed against recognised professional standards, as part of a rigorous process, providing confidence and trust in your abilitiy to work with minmal supervision in a technical role amongst employers and peers.

Further benefits for you

Registration provides recognition of your achievements. It also provide you with increased career opportunities, enhanced credibility and greater influence in your field. 

Additionally, you will be recognised for your ability to use relevant scientific understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address well defined problems. You will also need to demonstrate your commitment to your ongoing professional development.

Who can apply for RSciTech?

This registration is for members working in technical roles who are providing scientific services with minimal supervision.

The IOP Membership team is here to support your through the application process.

How to become a Registered Science Tecnician (RSciTech)

What are the requirements?

You will need to provide evidence demonstrating your competence across five areas. You will provide examples from your working life, usually within the past five years, that illustrate how you have met each standard. These are then assessed either online or in a face-to-face interview.
The competence areas are:

  • Application of knowledge and understanding – identify and use relevant scientific understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address well defined problems
  • Personal responsibility – exercise personal responsibility in planning and implementing tasks according to prescribed protocols
  • Interpersonal skills – demonstrate effective personal and communication skills
  • Professional practice – apply appropriate practical and theoretical methods according to protocol
  • Professional standards – demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards

Find out more information on the competencies.

We recommend that you use the application template document (DOC, 70KB) to assist you in preparing your responses before completing the online application form. This approach ensures that you have collated your responses and are able to share it with your supporters before progressing to the online application.

What qualifications do I need?

Although you do not need any formal qualifications to gain registration for RSciTech, you will need to have appropriate knowledge and understanding to a level 3 qualification (level 6 in Scotland) or equivalent. For example, A-Level, BTEC, NVQ Level 3, SVQ Level 6, an Advanced Apprenticeship or equivalent.

Equivalence may be demonstrated through a combination of other qualifications, work-based training, and professional experience.

How much CPD is required?

You will also have to demonstrate your commitment to regularly undertaking professional development activities to ensure your skills and knowledge remain up to date.

We provide our members with a broad range of learning activities to support their ongoing commitment to continuing professional development (CPD).

Find out more about continuing professional development.

Is there formal guidance for applying?

Before starting your application, please read our guidelines (PDF, 613KB).

Please also ensure you have read the relevant information on the Science Council website.

We recommend that you use the application template document (DOC, 70KB) to assist you in preparing your responses before completing the online application form. This approach ensures that you have collated your responses and are able to share it with your supporters before progressing to the online application.

Do I need supporters?

Applicants will need to identify two supporters. Please read the guidance on choosing your supporters for guidance in this area.

IOP Professional Registration Adviser (PRA) Scheme

What is the PRA scheme?

The IOP's Professional Registration Adviser (PRA) Scheme is designed to support members who are in the process of applying for a professional registration with the Institute of Physics. Professional registration advisers are members who serve on the professional registration panels and are trained to provide point-in-time advice on your application.

How do I find out more and apply?

Find out more about the PRA Scheme for applicants, including how to apply to be matched with an adviser.

Registered Science Technician fees 2025

Registered Science Technician

Application fee

There is no applicant fee for applications made through the Institute of Physics.

Registration fees

Registered Science Technician

Annual fee

Annual registration fee of £22.00.

Registration fees

Have your registration questions answered

Membership of the IOP is a requirement for RSciTech

How do I apply?

Existing IOP members

Once you have read through the guidelines and feel you have the requisite skills, knowledge and experience you can begin your application.

If you have any questions, please attend a registration workshop or contact us.

Apply for RSciTech

How do I apply?

Not an IOP member?

You will need to join the IOP before you can apply for RSciTech. Find out more about membership and apply to become a member today.

Join the IOP

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