Reflective CPD record
Maintaing a reflective CPD record
What is CPD?
Continuing professional development (CPD) refers to regularly engaging in learning and developmental activities that contribute to retaining your professional excellence. This could mean maintaining, developing or learning new skills. This can help you to retain your expertise, enhance your credibility, facilitate further career progression and new opportunities.
Reflective CPD record
If you are a holder of a professional registration and are professionally active, you will need to produce a reflective CPD record. The questions below will help you to focus on the outcomes of your learning, what you will do as a result of your learning, how your learning has benefited you and, potentially, others, and identity your next developmental opportunity.
CPD support for members
Reflective CPD questions and example answers
What activity have you completed?
I have completed a short course on the IOP’s career development hub about giving and receiving feedback.
Why did you choose this activity?
As someone who is responsible for providing feedback to others, I want to ensure my feedback is supportive and delivered in a way that the receiver positively engages with it.
What did you learn as a result of activity?
It was a reminder of the importance of striking a balance when providing feedback. A balance between positive and constructive. I made a note of the top tips mentioned in the training and will be applying these.
How did you and others benefit from carrying out this activity?
At the moment I am responsible for providing feedback to others and this has helped me to reflect on how I do this. I benefited from this short course as it has allowed me to consider my approach when providing feedback. Hopefully, those I provide feedback to will also benefit. This is something I can apply regularly.
As a result of this activity, what are your next developmental steps?
Review responses received and continually refine the process. As I am constantly giving feedback, I will always be looking for resources that can help me further improve my skills.