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Mimi’s Rainbow Adventure

Are you ready for a rainbow adventure? Read our new storybook, meet Mimi and our amazing science role models and discover the answers to some big questions about the world.

Have you ever wondered if carrots can really help you to see in the dark? Or why some energy is green, and some isn’t? Join us for a multicolour adventure with Mimi and her friends to find out how science can provide the answers to these big questions and more.

Free downloadable storybooks: UK and Ireland

Mimi’s Rainbow Adventure: the storybook, UK edition

Read our free illustrated storybook chapter by chapter and explore the amazing real-life science role models at the end of the book.

Suitable for all ages! It can be read together as a family with 5- to 7-year-olds or solo by readers aged 7+.

Download the book (PDF, 18.1MB)

Mimi’s Rainbow Adventure: the storybook, Ireland edition

Read our free illustrated storybook chapter by chapter and meet the amazing real-life science role models for Ireland.

Suitable for all ages! It can be read together as a family with 5- to 7-year-olds or solo by readers aged 7+.

Download the book (PDF, 10.9MB)

Free downloadable storybooks: Wales

We now have the Wales edition of the adventure, in English and in Welsh.

Mimi’s Rainbow Adventure: the storybook, Wales edition

Read our free illustrated storybook chapter by chapter and explore the amazing real-life science role models at the end of the book. 

Suitable for all ages! It can be read together as a family with 5- to 7-year-olds or solo by readers aged 7+. Includes Wales role models.

Download the book for Wales (PDF, 44MB)

Antur Enfys Mimi: y llyfr stori, fersiwn Cymraeg

Beth am ddarllen ein llyfr stori rhad ac am ddim â darluniau, bennod wrth bennod, ac archwilio’r modelau rôl rhyfeddol o faes gwyddoniaeth go iawn sydd ar ddiwedd y llyfr?

Yn addas i bobl o bob oed! Gall teuluoedd â phlant 5 i 7 oed ei ddarllen ar y cyd, neu gall darllenwyr 7+ oed ei ddarllen ar eu pen eu hunain.

Download the Welsh language edition of the book (PDF, 44MB)

Amazing science role models

Your journey doesn’t need to end there! Discover the amazing stories of scientists from across the colourful spectrum and find out how they are trying to answer some of Mimi’s big questions!

Meet our role models.

Woman and young girl craft-making

The Limit Less campaign

Mimi’s Rainbow Adventure is part of the IOP’s Limit Less campaign, to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics.

Doing physics can open up a huge range of opportunities but, unfortunately, too many children are told that there are limits to who and what they can be when they grow up.

As parents and carers, you have a vital role to play in making sure that your child can fulfil their potential. By having conversations about science and taking part in activities together, you’re helping to give your child a great start as they begin thinking about what they want to do to change the world for the better.

Find out more and join the campaign.

Any questions?

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or would like to find out more then email: [email protected] or call us on: + 44 (0)20 7470 4800. 

The Moon Adventure

What's it like to be an astronaut? Where did the Moon come from? What's the future of humans in space?