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Do Try This at Home

We want to make it easy for parents and carers to get their children excited about physics. That's why, as part of our Limit Less campaign, we've created Do Try This at Home, a series of fun science experiments for kids, with short demonstration videos and simple, step-by-step instructions. 

We're the Institute of Physics, the professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland. We work with schools to develop the teaching of physics – and now we want to use our expertise to help you inspire your children at home.

The activities below have been created as part of our Limit Less campaign, which aims to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics. 


Our crack team of science communicators have filmed short demonstration videos in their kitchens and living rooms, using basic household materials to demonstrate physics in easy-to-replicate ways. Alongside the films, we have step-by-step instructions and explanations of the science behind it all published right here. 

Episode 14: Snowball Slingshot with Imogen and Sam

Learn to make your very own snowball launcher and uncover the science of sending snowballs soaring through the sky.

Episode 13: Bouncing High with Niloufar, Ethan and Jasper

Person on a sofa with a ball and dog.

Episode 12: Ping Pong Pick Up with Melissa (and friends)

Person with an empty plastic bottle and ping pong balls in a bowl.

Episode 11: Toilet Roll Solar System with Jenny and her planet-building experts

This physics activity squishes the entire solar system onto a single loo roll.

Episode 10: Vanishing Coin with Taj, Saf and Norah

Two children sitting at a table.

Episode 9: Electric Balloons with Lucy

Watch two balloon repel each other and find out why this happens.

Episode 8: Hot Water Rising with Imogen and Sam

 Watch hot water rise above cold using clear bottles and food colouring in this fun physics experiment.

Episode 7: Rocket Balloon with Mikey (and "volunteer")

Plastic toy on a balloon rocket on string.

Episode 6: Milk Carton Sprinkler with Melissa

Make your own sprinkler using a milk carton and piece of string.

Episode 5: Wobbly Stick with Jenny (and two superheroes)

Challenge your family to a stick-balancing competition in this fun physics experiment.

Episode 4: Reversing Arrow with Taj and Saf

Person with reversing arrow to perform an optical illusion to a child on webcam.

Episode 3: Shrinking Coin with Lucy

Person holds a coin to pass it through a hole in a piecce of paper.

Episode 2: Waterproof Hankie with Imogen and Sam

Person sitting as another holds a full glass of water to turn upside down over their head.

Episode 1: Rubber Band Bass Guitar with Mikey

Learn how to make music with just one rubber band.

Experiment instruction sheets

Download text versions of the Do Try This At Home experiment videos. Great for the classroom or for home learning, each experiment has clear instructions, illustrations and photos to make it easy to learn and have fun together. Feel free to print and use them individually or enjoy the whole set! 

Download (PDF, 6.51MB)

Activity packs

Discovering Our World

Explore science in the sea, on the ground and in the air with this brand new activity pack from the Institute of Physics. Filled with puzzles, articles, experiments and more, this magazine is designed to get your family excited and curious about the world around them, and how it works! Perfect for ages 8 and up.

Download the Welsh version (PDF, 10.5MB)

Download and print at home (PDF, 7.31MB)

Winter Activity Pack

For even more to do at home during winter, try out these activities with your family. Packed with experiments and challenges, you can meet a scientist and become one yourselves with this magazine from the Institute of Physics. Perfect for ages 7-11.

Download and print at home (PDF, 1.7MB)

Superheroes Unlimited activity pack

Meet our five amazing role models and the work they do to solve the challenges we face as residents of planet Earth. Inside you’ll find experiments and activities to do together, and puzzles to challenge you and get you thinking like a physicist. Perfect for ages 7 and up.

Download (PDF, 8.18MB)

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