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What's Physics got to do with Evolution?

Birds and mammals and physics wave

Speaker: Dr Bhavin Khatri MInstP, Research Fellow in Statistical Genomics, Imperial College London

Physicists take for granted the universality of the laws of physics - the laws of thermodynamics, gravity and quantum mechanics work just as well in Mumbai as they do in London, and for that matter - we believe - in the Andromeda galaxy.

But are there universal laws in biology? Surely, life is too contingent, context dependent, and just too messy to be described simply by the laws of evolution — and just "What is life?" anyway. 

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About the Speaker

Dr Khatri is a theoretical physicist/biologist. Interested in evolutionary theory & inference, genotype-phenotype maps, virus evolution, and chromatin polymer physics. He is currently a Research Fellow in Statistical Genomics at Imperial College London.


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