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UK Early-Career Researchers HEP-ex Jobs Event

Birds eye view of Chancellor’s court and Event display of  a H->4e candidate

The aim of this event is to inform ECRs about common pathways for UK jobs in HEP academia, and beyond, as they progress through their careers. We aim to facilitate broad discussions between ECRs, senior members of the HEP community, and HEP researchers who have transitioned from academia to industry, on their varied experiences and any advice that can be offered to young scientists trying to prepare themselves for their next career step. We aim to have informative talks on topics like what annual research fellowships are available, how to find job opportunities and resources for relevant soft-skills, how application procedures work, and what kinds of profiles have recent hires to permanent positions in the UK had. Furthermore, the bulk of the event would be open Q&As with expert panels on: jobs in HEP academia with ECR and Senior perspectives and moving to industry.