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Novel Display Technologies and Display Applications in the Automotive Industry

Picture of car dashboard with head up digital displays

Display technology continues to advance to support a wide range of market applications, and this includes the Automotive Industry – here displays come in different shapes and sizes to convey the relevant information to the driver, and or passengers.  Display types can be flat-display console, to more advanced Head-up-Display (HUD), and even Augmented Reality (AR) HUD-capable user interfaces, and in all cases the beginnings of 3D rendering are becoming viable.  

The human user interface within these advanced displays is also key for safety and ease of information access, and advances in gesture control mean effortless control of a vehicles systems. With the Electric Vehicle (EV) becoming an increasingly adopted vehicle type, then the advances of more energy efficient display technology must also be considered and implemented when possible.  

During this meeting a range of speakers will be presenting and discussing these themes and considering the physics, optical, electronic and software implications for this exciting technology segment.

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