Registration Drop-in Sessions
Host: Vishanti Fox, Careers & CPD Manager, Institute of Physics
Free online registration ‘drop-in’ sessions, designed for IOP members interested in any of our seven professional registrations. These sessions provide a platform to discuss various aspects of professional registration.
Examples of topics for discussion include - but are not limited to are:
- How do I apply for professional registration
- What qualifications do I need to apply for any of your professional registrations
- What supporting documents do I need to apply for professional registration
- What is the professional registration advisor scheme
- What information should I put in the competences section
- What registration is right for me
The drop-in sessions are scheduled for one-hour slots, however you can arrive and leave at any point within the hour.
To attend any of our drop-in sessions, please register online here. Joining instructions will be included within your confirmation email.