NuFor – Nuclear Forensics

Nuclear Forensics directly supports national nuclear security and is reliant upon access to expertise from right across the nuclear industry, academia and beyond. Many people from a diverse range of disciplines have experience and knowledge that could be invaluable to Nuclear Forensics, which by sharing will help support this exciting and important scientific field.
NuFor (Nuclear Forensics) is a 2-day technical conference aiming to bring together experts from academia, industry and government to share developments in the field of Nuclear Forensics to a wider audience. The conference aims to highlight the work done throughout industry and academia that can be used to support national nuclear security, as well as promoting the exchange of information and good practice between those already involved in nuclear forensics and other specialists who could provide wider value to the Nuclear Forensics community.
The objectives for NuFor are:
- Showcase research and new advances across academia and industry
- Discuss the technical challenges in the field
- Demonstrate the applications of fundamental science in Nuclear Forensics
- Enhance the UK skill base and career pathways in Nuclear Forensics
- Provide a networking opportunity for technical specialists across different disciplines
The conference will also feature several prominent expert speakers, whose talks will focus on recent advances in Nuclear Forensics-related areas.
New to Nuclear Forensics? Watch the talks online from NuFor 2020.