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Music and Space

Speaker: Dr Christopher Wiley, University of Surrey

This talk will explore some of the many connections between music and space. First, we will discuss famous examples of people who have been interested in both space and music, including several contemporaries as well as Gustav Holst (The Planets), William Herschel (discovered Uranus), and Johannes Kepler (the music of the spheres). Second, we look at some of the music that has been sent to and from space, both recent broadcasts (live and recorded) as well as the contents of Voyager’s Golden Records. Finally, we will investigate composers’ representations of space through some of the most recognisable musical themes in the history of film and television, including Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. In the course of this talk, Dr Wiley will perform music by Herschel and demonstrate the theremin, an electronic musical instrument commonly associated with the creation of otherworldly sounds.

Part of the IOP London and South East (LSE) region Physics Talk Series.

The lecture is free and open to all but registration is required. Please register via the Book Now button.

Directions for the Sibson Lecture Theatre 3 can be found on the University of Kent website