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Measuring the Ocean : Experiences setting up large scale international programs

Speaker: Dr Katy Hill 

The cost of research and monitoring of the global ocean, means that it can only be done well through international collaboration.  In our Christmas Talk, Dr Katy Hill will report on the lessons she has learnt from establishing large programmes, on how we tackle the challenge of observing and predicting the ocean, and particularly the people side of energising large scale scientific collaborations; including some entertaining highlights on the people she has worked with along the way!

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About the Speaker

Dr Hill has carved out a career in the coordination and leadership of large national and international programmes in ocean science, developing our capability to observe and predict the ocean - during which she has worked in Canada, Australia and Switzerland before returning to the UK in 2020. She trained as an oceanographer, but decided she was more interested in the people side of science; connecting the ideas, people and opportunities to make progress.

She worked in Australia during the formative years of the establishment of Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System, worked for the UN's Global Ocean Observing System, established a programme to transform the design of the Tropical Pacific Observing System and now Lead Scientist for the UK Natural Environment Research Council's program planning the infrastructure needed for future UK marine science.

Image copyright:  NOAA: and PMEL

Venue information:
       * Wheelchair access
       * Free parking
       * Coffee and Tea from 19:00