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How MRI Reveals Hearing Damage and Other Secrets of the Brain

Person being prepped for entry into MRI scanning

Speaker: Dr Rebecca Dewey CPhys MInstP, Senior Research Fellow in Neuroimaging, University of Nottingham

Rebecca will describe new techniques that can be used to observe how external influences alter how the brain works. Drugs and prosthetics, as well as illnesses and disease can change how the brain responds to its environment. Functional neuroimaging can help us to understand how these external influences alter normal brain function. Also, novel methods of imaging the brain and nerves in the head to understand the long-term effects of noise exposure.

Free tea & biscuits (but arrive early!).

This event will not be live-streamed. It is free and open to all. No registration is necessary.


The Covid restrictions at the university remain unchanged: “Visitors are advised to not attend the University campus if they: have a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste; or are feeling unwell and have any other symptom which may potentially indicate that they could have Covid”.

About the Speaker:

Rebecca obtained an undergraduate master's degree in physics with theoretical physics from the University of Manchester in 2008. From there, she moved to the University of Nottingham to study for her PhD in advanced functional neuroimaging in the Division of Radiological and Imaging Sciences, which was conferred upon her in 2012. She now works as a research fellow in neuroimaging at the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Physics and Astronomy, collaborating closely with the NIHR Nottingham Hearing Biomedical Research Unit. She now works on a project managed collaboratively between the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre (SPMIC) in the school of Physics and Astronomy, the Hearing Sciences theme of the the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, Hearing Sciences in the Division of Mental Health and Clinical Neurosciences in the School of Medicine, and the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Manchester. The project aims to use MRI and electrophysiology to investigate the neural bases of noise exposure, aging, and hearing loss, and to characterise damage to the auditory system that is currently undetectable by regular audiological testing methods.

Rebecca's other work includes MR imaging of individuals with auditory implantable prostheses (e.g., cochlear implants), and the effect of the MR environment on the human balance system.